We've come to understand and firmly believe that everyone is recovering from something.
In the case of alcohol and substance abuse, the need for recovery is much more apparent, and the need for a spiritual dimension to that recovery program is essential. All our gatherings, meetings, and workshops are built around adding the spiritual dimension and the foundation of Jesus' message to traditional and clinical recovery programs.
Please see our ministry page for more on our programs for the recovery community including interventions, and see our calendar for a month-at-a-glance view of all our gatherings and events.
[No photos on this page in order to respect everyone's anonymity.]

families in recovery workshops
theeffect holds weekly Families in Recovery Workshops on Monday nights. Addiction has far reaching effects and hurts everyone near. Families and loved ones of alcoholics and addicts suffer as much as the addicts themselves--sometimes more. Led by a Licenced Clinical Social Worker and addiction specialists and a long time Al-Anon member, we bring the clinical and practical experience into each workshop to give families the tools and knowledge they need to move to healthy recovery as well. Click the thumbnail flyer at right for more information.
- families in recovery workshops>monday evenings @ 6:30PM: Group Room, Suite 801

recovery gatherings
theeffect holds weekly Recovery Gatherings on Tuesday nights. These Gatherings combine musical worship with theeffect band, healing prayer, engaging speakers, and a 12-Step meeting in a warm, safe environment to give people of all ages and addictions a place to come where they can bring their faith and their recovery together in a group setting.
- recovery gatherings>Tuesday evenings @ 7PM: Main Room, Suite 904

aa, na, oa, al-anon meetings
theeffect also hosts traditional, non-religious AA, NA, Al-Anon, and Overeaters Anonymous meetings taking place at our facility on a weekly basis. See our Calendar for all meetings.

4th step workshops
theeffect also conducts 4th step workshops and other 12 step programs on a semi-regular basis. Contact our recovery pastor to ask about upcoming workshops or about any recovery-related help you may need.
Check our calendar and latest gatherings for upcoming 12 step workshops and meetings and make sure to contact us to be placed on our recovery and enews email lists so that you can receive email alerts about upcoming gatherings and workshops.
Frank Billman | recovery pastor
frank@theeffect.org | 949.547.8635
