theeffect began its community deeply committed to recovery issues, working with people suffering from alcohol and drug addictions while bringing a spiritually-centered approach to their recovery programs. Adding elements of worship, spiritual mentoring, interventions, pastoral counseling, 12 Step programming, and a recovery helpline among others, theeffect works with individuals and those in local treatment centers and other facilities to bring the face of Jesus and his message of hope to those suffering from addiction and to their families.
We have specific gatherings and programs geared for the recovery community offered on a weekly or as needed basis through pastors and staff certified in drug and alcohol specialties and pastoral counseling. Click on the links below for more information and contacts for each of our recovery ministries.

recoveryline Where do you go when you don't know where to go for help? Or if you don't know what or whom you need for help? Whether you're struggling with addiction yourself or you have a loved one who is struggling or you suspect may be struggling, we can help you with assessing your circumstances and getting directed to the people, programs, and facilities you may need, even assess your insurance for addiction coverage. The RecoveryLine can connect you with:
- interventionists
- detox facilites
- treatment centers
- sober living/transitions homes
- AA/NA meetings
- certified drug and alcohol counselors
- AA sponsors
- Al-Anon/Alateen groups
- specialized recovery programs
- life skills and job placement services

recovery gatherings
theeffect holds a weekly Recovery Gatherings on Tuesday nights beginning at 7PM. This Gathering combines musical worship with theeffect band, healing prayer, engaging speakers, and a 12-Step meeting in a warm, safe environment to give people of all ages and addictions a place to come where they can bring their faith and their recovery together in a group setting.
theeffect also hosts traditional, non-religious AA, NA, Al-Anon, and Overeaters Anonymous meetings taking place at our facility on a weekly basis. See our Calendar for all meetings.
See our Recovery Gathering page for more information, upcoming workshops, and driving directions.

pastoral counseling | mentoring
At any point during the recovery process, counseling and/or spiritual mentoring can make a big difference in the ability of a person to move from simple abstinence to real recovery Our counselors are all board certified and/or degreed in their specialty areas.
See our Pastoral Counseling pages or email us or call Dave Brisbin at 949.293.4259 for initial consultations and more information.
See our RecoveryLine page or call the RecoveryLine at 888.690.0900 for inquiries and more information.

To speak with our recovery pastors and ministry leaders directly about any recovery issues call or email.
Frank Billman | recovery pastor
frank@theeffect.org | 949.547.8635