To be satisfied. To be content. To have learned that this moment can be complete in and of itself. To lose the need to keep chasing after whatever it is that is promising satisfaction, but never delivers up close...that's what Satisfied, our young adult ministry, is all about.
To model for young adults, by young adults, the reality of a life without compulsions and limitations--a life full of the excitement, promise, and cuture of youth is both method and goal. It's about spending time together, watching each other work through life, discussing big topics and small details, supporting each other through difficulties, celebrating accomplishments, and being of service to anyone nearby.
It's about activities and events including:
- Saturday night gatherings featuring live crossover bands, comics, poetry readings, and great grilled meals together
- offsite activities such as camping, concerts, or outdoor entertainment
- worship and prayer time, studies, discussion groups, and retreats
- "helping hands" crews to help local people in need with whatever tasks are necessary from moving to home repair to transportation...
- missions trips both local and international
It's also about getting young adults the help they need to reach for their dreams and build a solid foundation for the rest of their lives. Whether it's help for drug and alcohol abuse, life and job skills training, even rescue from gang involvement, abuse, and other unhealthy relationships, that's what this ministry is all about.
See the Gatherings pages for upcoming events, and if you are interested in learning more about Satisfied or are interested in finding out how you can help, contact our young adult ministry leader.
Darryl McFann | recovery pastor
darryl@theeffect.org | 949.929.1665

