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What does it mean to have faith? To live in faith?

If our lives and choices don't change in the presence of our faith, if our relationships don't grow stronger and our view of life brighter, then what is it we really believe?

We have come together at theeffect to learn to live
theeffect of God's love and Jesus' message in a non-religious and transforming way--the Way Jesus taught us, which is as relevant now as when he first uttered it. Knowing this Way, knowing the God behind it, is what our journey is all about. It's what our meaning and purpose in life and in our faith community is all about as well.

Experienced as the sense of deep contentedness and well-being even in the face of difficult circumstances--it's the connected and intimate relationships and other-centered choices that Jesus lived and assured us were the hallmark of our Father’s love—the Way of Jesus.

Jesus’ Way, theeffect of God’s love, is only possible in life when we move beyond mere religious practice, ritual, and theology into the actual, first person experience of our living God. Religion and theology can point to God, but are not God themselves.

Deeply practical, rooted in the day to day living out of our closest relationships and activities, we find God fully present in each moment or not at all. Herenow, not therethen--experienced not in legal conformance from the outside in, but in intimate relationship, transformance, from the inside out.

To know God is to know perfect love.
To know perfect love is to cast out fear and create an inevitable, life-changing effect.

Everyone is always welcome at theeffect
, no matter who you are or where you come from. As both a faith community and a recovery ministry, we recogize that everyone is recovering from something, and because that's true, we're all teachers and students, servants and leaders as we begin to fully realize our relationships with God and each other.

Here you can get to know us a bit better: who we are, what we believe, where we're from, where we're going.
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