latest news | upcoming events
You can find all the details on the latest stuff right here. For a month-at-a-glance look at all gatherings and events, click the calendar link above.

mondays| 6:30PM | @theeffect
families in recovery workshop
Join us each Monday evening for a series of workshops for families with loved ones suffering from addiction. Workshops will be headed by Nina Dreyer, LCSW, Clinical Director of Encompass Recovery, an addiction outpatient treatment center, and will bring panels, speakers, and actual therapy sessions to families in need of recovery.
Families of addicts are thrust into a world they often didn't even know existed, let alone are able to navigate--especially in times of emotional trauma. Come meet people who have been through such trials and who are treating those who are. Come find the tools, resources, and support you'll need to heal your family and your addict. Call 949-584-0000 for more information or meet us in our group room in Suite 801 at 6:30PM every Monday night.
Clieck the flyer image at right for printable full sized flyer.

wednesdays | 7:30PM | @theeffect
book study: ruthless trust
Come join us starting Wednesday night, March 9 @ 7:30PM to read through and discuss the book Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning. Coming off the heels of studies of contemplatie practice and the radical love and presence of God, this book focuses on what it means to begin to really trust that love. Without trust, all the understanding in the world will not change the experience of living in that presence. Come join us.
Materials will be available for purchase at the study.
See our midweek page for more details about classes and our ministry school page for more details on the school. Click here for a full class syllabus or call Pastor Dave @ 949.293.4259 for more info.

theeffectband cd
After a long time in the making and promising, theeffect band's new cd is released.
Titled "You Never Run Dry," the album features 10 originial songs, many of which the band plays regularly in worship gatherings at theeffect, but a few that will be new even to our community. In addition, we are producing new copies of our older live album that also features 10 songs, both original and covers of worship songs the band has made its own.
The album is now available online for download or physical CD purchase at CDBaby here, and songs are available on iTunes as well.
