Men's gatherings and activities are widely varied both in spiritual and social directions. See our latest@theeffect page for upcoming activities, but here's some general info.

men's breakfasts Men are meeting monthly for prayer breakfasts, so come and join us for some great food, fellowship, prayer, and a great speaker.
- prayer breakfast>2nd saturday mornings of each month @ 9:00AM [til 10:30AM]
Meeting place is at theeffect. See here for next breakfast and details.

Projected programming include:
- bible studies/discussion groups/retreats
- social activities>fishing trips, paintballing, sporting events, etc.
- "helping hands" service activities for local and mission work
Please email us and sign up for both our men's ministry list and our weekly enews emailer that will keep you up to date on all the latest at theeffect. All new programming will be listed here, but the email lists will alert you whenever anything is scheduled. Of course, you can always just call our men's ministry leader...he's very helpful.
Frank Billman | recovery pastor
frank@theeffect.org | 949.547.8635