We really love music. We love the way it sounds and feels...the way it gets in between fingers and toes and all the cracks and seams of life. Having music in our hearts is like putting our lives to a sound track and making it sing, making even the most mundane moments sparkle with significance.
And as much as we love playing music, we also love writing it. Taking the creative experience to that level has been another great expression of theeffect band.
Music CDs
- theeffect band has just recorded a new album of 10 original worship and crossover songs
called "You Never Run Dry."
- theeffectband recorded a live worship album called "Alive Worship" a few years ago, with 10 worship songs--a mix of original music and great worship covers.
All music CDs are available at our Gatherings or by contacting us.
You Never Run Dry is also available at CDBaby here for download and physical CD sales, and songs will be available for download at iTunes soon.
And just for fun, here's a few original songs from Dave Brisbin to stream or download.
Dave Brisbin
Come to the Cross | Asilomar | Falling
