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We've gathered here a growing list of articles written both by effect authors and other writers than can shed light on theeffect's beliefs and positions on specific topics as well as information on subjects in general. For more information on specific beliefs and ideas at theeffect, please see what we believe and take a look below.

Whithin Christianity, there are issues surrounding the meaning and impact of what is becoming known as the "emerging" church. As our culture passes from the modern era to the postmodern one, it's important to understand how "postmodern" thinking can positively affect our style of fellowship and worship in the church as well as our methods of communicating Jesus' message to younger generations without negatively affecting the content of that message. These two--the content and the container--are often confused and need to be sorted
out. These articles may help.

theeffect position on emerging issues
rockharbor position on emerging issues

calvary chapel position on emerging issues
second century youth ministry
swords into plowshares
story of the ooze
emergence and divine order

Jesus' message is nothing if not socially relevant. The problem is that if we miss the context of Jesus' message, we may miss the social relevance of that message as well.

jesus on divorce and remarriage
husbands and wives
women and headcoverings
freely you have received, freely give
jewish talmidi values

Once again, the message of Jesus is context-sensitive. Do we really understand the religious or theological impact of Jesus' original intent?

thinking on book of james
seeking the kingdom
taking the kingdom by force?
the beatitudes
unity in the church
the golden rule in other traditions
inspiration and inerrancy of scripture
on praying and the coming of kingdom
religious beliefs in the united states
the breath of god--hebrew/christian spirituality through Hawaiian eyes

Understanding more of the history of the church, especially the early church and the first followers of Jesus, can shed much light on the nature and content of Jesus' teachings...or are just intriguing.

finding the garden of eden
lord's prayer in aramaic (audio)
lord's prayer in aramaic (print)
the didache
early christian symbols
early christian/jewish ties
nazarenes and ebionites
sabbath--1st day or 7th day?
wisdom of the desert fathers/others
prayer of rest

These are just some interesting and sometimes humorous thoughts and concepts that can help along the Way.

elijah and the ants (from the fifth way)
chimps and scientists (from the fifth way)
an allegory
differing worldviews
the importance of today
neither great nor small
a view of hell
does evil exist?
a post-christian conversation

Here are some of the graphics and other handouts provided at theeffect Gatherings to support the messages given by Pastor Dave Brisbin. The link for the associated message audio appears below the graphic link so you can listen and read along.

the lord's prayer aramaic paraphrase
See: living the prayer

map to the sermon on the mount
See: poor in spirit

beatitudes aramaic paraphrase
See:clearing the decks

understanding the beatitudes
See: kingdom living

mother teresa: light and dark
See: mother teresa's crisis of faith
See: blinded by expectation

the fifth way
ministry school
moving pictures
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