
The new edition of Pastor Dave's book, The Fifth Way, has been released with the new subtitle--A Western Journey to the Hebrew Heart of Jesus. For those of you who read the first edition, this new edition is much shorter and more focused, with new material that takes advantage of several more years of living, working, and teaching.
For those who haven't read the book, The Fifth Way is about the journey to the journey--the life altering shift in worldview that a modern Westerner must make to begin to understand the true message of Jesus. Jesus' message is timeless, but it was spoken in an ancient, Eastern language to people who understood it through their worldview, culture, and experience. To understand what it takes to step into the sandals of Jesus' first hearers is the journey to a Jesus who speaks without contradiction and always points directly to the Father's perfect love.
The book is available at theeffect or on Amazon here in both print and Kindle versions. Take a look on Amazon for more information, reviews, and book previews.
thoughts on thefifthway
Always in conscious opposition to the four ways or philosophies Judaism in the first century, Jesus presents a “fifth way,” what he calls the only Way of coming to his Father, to Kingdom, and spiritual fulfillment. The Fifth Way attempts to recreate the experience of the spiritual journey, breaking through limiting thought processes and worldviews by coming to a fuller understanding of the true meaning of Jesus' words as his first followers would have understood them.
As pioneering Christian singer/songwriter Chris Falson writes in his endorsement, "Reading The Fifth Way is like spending time with the author, Dave Brisbin, who has a gift of making simple the complicated religious mess we have collectively made of Christianity. He is a voice in the wilderness and a breath of fresh air. If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, then The Fifth Way may help you discover the path your heart has long been seeking." And pastor/author Chuck Smith Jr. writes, "... believers are asking whether there is another way to walk with God that depends more on Spirit than structure and in practice is more organic than programmatic. Dave Brisbin's answer is 'Yes! There is The Fifth Way.' Of all the books in the Christian marketplace today why should you read this one? To renew your mind, refresh your heart, and restore your soul."