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It is only in the most extreme circumstances (court orders, jail) that the alcoholic or addict will voluntarily seek treatment. They do not understand the depth of their denial, and they feel alone and frustrated. An intervention sheds light on the problem and points toward the solution.

Alcohol and drug abusers do not exist in a world by themselves. Most substance abusers live within some relationship to their families, friends, or coworkers. Intervention is about delicately intervening with love, feelings, and facts to motivate addicted persons to accept the help being offered to them. Because unhealthy dynamics surround the addicted person, intervention is needed to break down denial and to keep the addicted person and the family focused on solutions.

We utilize several proven methods of intervention. Beginning first with the family, friends, and coworkers of the addict, we prepare this group emotionally and intellectually to speak with one voice to the addict. Only when this group is ready, is it time to take the meeting to the substance abuser. Again, the message in this meeting is delivered with love, feelings, and facts. When confronted this way, the identified addict is not fearful of the message and hears what the group is saying. 95% of addicts make their way into treatment and recovery after an intervention conducted in this manner.

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