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dave brisbin, MDiv
about counseling
about us
Each counselor at theeffect is a licensed professional and/or an ordained pastor with an advanced degree and board certified and licensed as a pastoral counselor by a state agency or nationally-recognized Christian board or association.

Our counselors have decades of training and experience in the clinical or pastoral counseling room, the classroom, and the pulpit as teachers and caregivers. They are truly "shepherds" in their love for and care of everyone they serve. All of our pastoral counselors have led their own church congregations and intimately understand Christian life and spirituality and the realities of that life in the church, home, and workplace. They are well suited and trained to bring God's love and clinical expertise into every client session.

For more information on each counselor, click the names above, and for more information on the boards and associations that have licensed and certifed them as pastoral counselors, click below.

American Association of Christian Counselors
American Association of Christian Therapists
National Christian Counselors Association

International Board of Christian Counselors

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