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Jesus taught the Way. He said he was the Way. His first followers called themselves Followers of the Way. The Way meant something specific and real to Jesus and his followers, something of which the modern church seems to have lost sight.

Jesus called his vision of the Way the Kingdom of God. He spent much of his time trying to communicate in word pictures, stories, and actions just what this Kingdom looked like, felt like, sounded like, tasted like... He told Nicodemus that the wind blows, but no one knows where it's coming from or going. But though you can't see the wind, you can see its effect. In both Hebrew and Aramaic, the words for wind, ruach and ruha respectively, also mean breath and spirit. This play on words on Jesus' part takes the principle to the spiritual level as well.

Jesus tells us of the need to be born again of spirit, to be transformed, of the opportunity to have abundant life, to have the Kingdom right here and right now. He also said to know the tree by its fruit. The abundant, fulfilled life of the Kingdom here and now is theeffect of a transformed life.

We believe that this message has gotten lost, or at least deemphasized to the point of stripping it of its power. Going back to the Scriptures with fresh eyes is critical to recovering the power of the Gospels. We need to look not at what we think we already know--like a well-frog with no concept of water as big as ocean, but at what Jesus--a first century Jewish teacher--was really trying to say to a Jewish audience with an Eastern worldview, language, and culture.

Church was never supposed to be a place. It was supposed to be a process, a journey of pilgrims holding each other's hands on the Way to abundant life. And all along the road, living and loving theeffect of theprocess, thejourney, theway, thetruth, and thelife.

Take a look here for a quick overview of what the first century, Jewish Jesus, Yeshua, was trying to tell us about the Way. Leave your preconceptions at the door and jump in the water. It's time to get started.

There are many articles and audio messages here to use as resources as well. And of course you can always email or call us to talk about anything that's on your mind.

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